5 travel experiences to rediscover the great beauty of Italy

Visit the great Italian museums with historians and curators who take us “behind the scenes”, sail the Mediterranean on a sailing ship with a naturalistbut also shopping among the Made in Italy boutiques with a personal stylist or flying over the Alps by helicopter, perhaps before spending romantic evenings in historic buildings open just for us. Now you can do this and much more: it is there new frontier of travel in Italythe only ones possible for a long time due to the pandemic, which we have rediscovered and learned to appreciate also thanks to increasingly sought-after proposals, built according to our desire for discovery and escape.

Now travelers go on the hunt for thrills: they want to see uncrowded, little-known places, stay in contact with the territories while also discovering their food and wine, experience never-before-seen experiences “, he says Dina Raveramain shareholder and chairman of Destination Italy, the largest Italian TravelTech leader in quality incoming tourism and experiential tourism. “The post covid has led us to desire little-traveled destinations and unique placesbut I believe that for a certain slice of the market this trend has also contributed a lot social development: especially among foreigners, Chinese in the lead, there are those who love to publish photos of experiences that no one has had and choose their destinations, and their experiences, also on the basis of this ».

This is how specialized tour operators were born: I AM Travel Club, Destination Italia brand aimed at luxury tourism, is one of these and specializes in tours in sought after places with super exclusive services. «With SONO Travel Club – continues Dina Ravera – we offer personalized experiences: for example there are those who ask us to go to Stromboli as a couple, then he also wants a hotel with a view of the volcano and at the same time discovering the specialties of the area. Thus, together with romantic guided tours, the choice of the luxury hotel in the most spectacular suite on the island, we offer special cooking classes, for example in a historic building where a duchess holds cooking classes and tells the story of her noble family ” . Yes, experiences that foreigners really like, but that many Italians have learned to appreciate. “We target the foreign market in Italy and at the same time, in the same slice of the high-end market, the Italians.” The difference? “Italians are much more demanding: they have trained eyes, a culture of beauty and to surprise them you really have to present something perfect and absolutely unforgettable and of quality ».

The future? Given the resurgence of the pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine that blocked the flow of Russia and Eastern Europe, it is precisely from here, from Italy and the Italians, that we must start again. «I believe the future of travel it will first of all enhance the entire Italian territory and no longer the usual cities of art where the majority of tourists were concentrated until a few years ago. I also believe it will be seasonally adjusted thanks to the smartworking because now people can work anywhere, and they want to take advantage of it to get to know wonderful places up close. We want to count on it: it could be an opportunity in the crisis and finally make tourism the real engine of the economy in our country which remains the most desired in the world “.

Do you want to try? Here are 5 ideas for wonderful trips to Italy, proposed by SONO Travel and specialized tour operators

Source: Vanity Fair

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