A 52-year-old man died after suffering a sudden illness during a street race. The case happened last Sunday (10) in the capital of São Paulo.
According to the São Paulo Public Security Secretariat, the victim, identified as Marcelo Mariano da Silva, was participating in a running event when he fell ill and passed out. According to authorities, he was bleeding from the mouth at the time of the incident.
Subsequently, the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) was called to the location and the participant was taken to the Emergency Care Unit (UPA) in Vila Mariana. The runner was treated, but did not survive.
Wanted by CNN the company Tríade, responsible for organizing the event, stated that “the race’s medical team was called as soon as we received the call on the route to provide first aid to Marcelo”.
“We estimate that the time it took for the ambulance to arrive at his location was around 4 minutes. The event had medical coverage compatible with the guidelines required for event licensing, with four ambulances and a complete medical station”, he adds.
Finally, the company states that, “from the first moment”, it has been “in direct contact with the family, offering deep regret for what happened”.
The City of São Paulo reported that Marcelo was admitted to the UPA at around 9:10 am, “brought by an external ambulance in cardiorespiratory arrest”. “He was promptly treated with resuscitation maneuvers, but unfortunately he did not survive.”
The Municipal Health Department stated that, as the race was a private event, the organizers were responsible for providing assistance to the participants.
The case was registered at the 16th DP (Vila Clementino) as a natural death.
* Under supervision
This content was originally published in 52-year-old man dies after feeling ill during street race in SP on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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