American consumers are on the “hunt” for the best Black Friday deals

The much-anticipated Black Friday sales have begun in the US in an economic environment that remains positive as most consumers continue to feel the effects of three consecutive years of inflation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some stores have been open since last night, including the Citadel shopping center near Los Angeles, California, which stayed open all night to welcome bargain-hunting shoppers. “We have a large clientele of tourists, people who fly in from different countries, so we open at 8pm in order to allow early access for Black Friday, even though we’ve had deals for about 2 weeks,” Junior told AFP Bolden, mall worker. This is exactly what Mario Clemente did, a Mexican tourist who came from Guadalajara, who traveled primarily “for the experience, but we also found very good prices. Compared to Mexico, it is much cheaper to come here. […]
Source: News Beast

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