TOnant Ambani and Radhika Merchant got married (finally). The ultra-billionaire Indian couple began the celebrations for their long-awaited wedding last March with a first celebration in India, in the city of Jamnagar, complete with a private concert by pop star Rihanna. It was the so-called “signing ceremony”. There was also an Italian stop for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant with celebrations last May in Portofino which was heavily armoured for the occasion.
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On July 12, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, entrepreneur and head of Reliance Industries, India’s largest private company, and Radhika Merchant, also daughter of millionaire entrepreneur Viren Merchant, who owns a pharmaceutical company, said the fateful “I do” in Mumbai. With a Hindu ritual. In particular, on Saturday the traditional blessing ceremony to the couple by the elders of the community.
The night before was the first act of the grand finale, which took place partly at the luxurious Bandra Kurla complex in Mumbai, and was attended by many stars from all over the world. Among them were Kim and Khloé Kardashian, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Many more are coming for the closing ceremony on Sunday 14th July.
According to some rumours, they should arrive in Mumbai in the next few hours, to perform in front of the young couple, Pop stars Drake, Lana Del Rey and Adele.
Source: Vanity Fair
I’m Susan Karen, a professional writer and editor at World Stock Market. I specialize in Entertainment news, writing stories that keep readers informed on all the latest developments in the industry. With over five years of experience in creating engaging content and copywriting for various media outlets, I have grown to become an invaluable asset to any team.