Anime TV – watch anime on your smartphone 4.1.1

Anime TV – Watch Anime on your smartphone.

Watch Anime online in your smartphone or tablet:

  • 💼This project is intended for those who like to watch Anime in their smartphone.
  • 🔨At the moment, the application is under development.
  • 🔨Our team is working on this project in full force
  • 🎞Watch your favorite Anime in the place with us.
  • 🎥Lots of unique Anime and series added.
  • 📋Added sections.
  • 📋Added to favorites.
  • 📺Many Anime added

You can also choose to display the list in a single row or in a grid of two or three rows.


For copyright holders


All movie links are obtained using the official YouTube API. As sources, only legal official YouTube channels of film studios are used, which are their copyright holders and have provided films in the public domain. The video is played in the YouTube player. The application does not contain or store content, but only provides an interface for more convenient access to YouTube.


Source: Trash Box

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