Anvisa authorizes Cannabis-based medicines for animals

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) approved, this Wednesday (31), the use of Cannabis-based products in animal treatments.

With the decision, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) is responsible for regulating the use of the substance in veterinary products for sale in the country.

The medicinal use of Cannabis can only be prescribed by veterinarians qualified by the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV).

Under the professional’s authorization, only products registered by Anvisa as medicine, with the appropriate health authorization issued and for the exclusive use of the animal may be sold.

At the moment, Veterinarians already prescribe medicines based on controlled substances, as long as their safety and effectiveness are proven.

Now, the Professionals will also be able to prescribe Cannabis-based products as long as the use is strictly therapeutic, aiming to improve the animal.

Seeking to ensure safety during the process, special prescriptions with prescriptions will be held directly in pharmacies.

With the measure, Brazil joins other countries that are already exploring the therapeutic potential of Cannabis for animals.

The new regulation expands therapeutic options for various diseases, such as neurological, oncological and orthopedic.

The marketing and prescription of these products are still subject to a more detailed regulatory process.

Anvisa may later establish new specific standards to guarantee the safety and quality of plant-based products intended for veterinary use.

It is worth noting that the Manipulation of Cannabis-based products continues to be prohibited in Brazil.

This content was originally published in Anvisa authorizes Cannabis-based medicines for animals on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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