The Italian actress Asia Silver 48, is “still terrorized” by Harvey Weinstein. The actress was one of the first in the film industry to publicly accuse the Hollywood producer of sexual harassment and abuse, becoming a leading figure in the #MeToo movement.
Weinstein is currently serving a 23-year sentence for rape and other sexual crimes.
Argento told Italian magazine Sette about how the 72-year-old businessman still scares her, even behind bars: “You remain forever attached to those who have wronged you. I wonder what life in prison is like for someone like him, who had everything. He was surrounded by people who would do whatever he asked. Maybe now, he is the one who is scared?” she continued.
When asked if she would like to meet Weinstein again, the actress added: “I wouldn’t. [vê-lo]he still terrifies me. For a long time, I lived with anxiety whenever I saw him at events. The fact that he is in prison gives me peace of mind,” she said.
Despite being a leading figure in the #MeToo movement, which exploded during the Weinstein case, Asia criticized the initiative for “turning into a witch hunt.”
“It started as a pure movement, then the meat grinder took over. Media witch hunts, persecution through tweets and hashtags: in America, these are incredibly strong,” she said. “I find cancel culture frightening: from exposing the crimes of criminals like Weinstein, who raped young girls with impunity, to canceling people who have less than impeccable sexual conduct.”
“For younger generations, like my children, there is a greater understanding of issues related to rape, harassment and consent. These were topics that were not discussed when I was growing up. However, the US has taken it to a deadly extreme, turning it into a mess that oversimplifies things,” he said.
“A false new puritanism that also humiliates culture, art and music. In cinema, sexuality can no longer be portrayed in all its complexity. I have the desire to destroy all of this,” he concluded.
Netflix series promotes wave of #MeToo movement against politicians
This content was originally published in Asia Argento still feels “terrified” by Harvey Weinstein on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.