The series “Astronaut” HBO’s first Brazilian animated series, received an official trailer this Monday (7). The animation, co-produced by Warner Bros. Discovery with Mauricio de Sousa Productions premieres on HBO on October 18 and episodes will be available at Max every Sunday .
The series is a prequel based on the first stories of the Astronaut character created by Mauricio de Sousa, and is aimed at an adult audience. Marco Pigossi and Mel Lisboa are part of the original voice cast.
In the trailer, Pereira is abducted and, even without remembering what happened, discovers that he has become a great astronaut for Brasa, the renowned Brazilian Space Research Agency, whose members disappeared on a mysterious mission to the Moon.
Now that his colleagues are in urgent need of rescue, he sees the perfect opportunity to head into space to understand the strange abduction he experienced five years earlier. However, Pereira is unaware that he is heading towards a trap created by a powerful alien entity, which could put all of humanity at risk.
Watch the trailer for “Astronaut”:
With six episodes, the production directed by Roger Keesse is visually inspired by Danilo Beyruth’s Graphic MSP.
In addition to Marco Pigossi as Pereira and Mel Lisboa as Ritinha, the following are also part of the voice cast: Carol Crespo as Lima, Julia Ribas as De Luca, Francisco Júnior as General Alvez, Marco França as Martinez, Ricardo Sawaya as Watanabe, Nara Kelly as Valentin and, finally, Francisco Freitas in the voice of Cabral. Casting and voice direction are by Marina Santana.
“Inside Out”, “Frozen” and more: successful animations in cinema
This content was originally published in “Astronauta”: HBO’s 1st Brazilian animated series gets trailer on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.