Babies exchanged in the maternity ward: what is known about the case

The case of babies exchanged in the maternity ward in Goiás continues to resonate. Now, the Civil Police has requested a new DNA test, in addition to having already interviewed everyone involved.

In a statement, the defense of one of the families says that “regarding the possibility of exchanging children, we emphasize that this is an extremely sensitive topic and is being treated with the utmost care.”

Baby Swap

Yasmim Kessia, the mother who had her son changed in a hospital after giving birth, took a photo with the baby minutes after birth. The case took place at the Women’s Hospital, in Inhumas, in the Metropolitan region of Goiânia (GO), in 2021.

The error was only discovered after Yasmim carried out a DNA test after her husband, in the process of divorce, requested a genetic test as a way of proving the child’s paternity. The genetic material was then removed from the supposed parents for genetic analysis in October this year.

The result came at the end of the month, surprising everyone because Yasmim was not the baby’s biological mother, as her son’s DNA was not compatible with her own, as the result showed. The exams were repeated and the outcome was the same: Yasmim and her partner were not the child’s biological parents.

Minutes after the birth, the mother even took a photo with the child, before the boy was exchanged with another.

After discovering the error, the mother, together with her lawyer, looked for the other family who had been in the same hospital room during Yasmim’s birth. The other mother, Isamara Cristina, together with her husband then underwent a DNA test which confirmed that both were not the biological parents of the child they had raised over the last three years.

The day of birth

According to lawyer Márcio Rocha, who represents both mothers, Yasmim Kessia and Isamara Cristina, on the day they gave birth, at first, they were taken to the same room in the ward of the Women’s Hospital, located in Goiânia.

Yasmin gave birth first, but only a few minutes apart from Isamara. When she felt ill and was sedated, she never returned to the room where Isamara was also hospitalized. At the time, Yasmim was taken to an apartment due to Covid-19 protocol, as the children were born during the pandemic in 2021.

When Yasmin woke up, her son was already in the room with his grandmother. At the time of her birth, the lawyer states that there was no family companion inside the operating room. Later, Isamara also welcomed her son in another hospital room.

According to the defense, it appears that the babies would have been exchanged between the period after birth and the journey to the nursery, before being taken to their mothers in their respective rooms.

The case remains under investigation. The mothers’ defense guarantees that they have already filed a civil lawsuit seeking compensation for moral and material damages for the error made by the hospital. An injunction was also requested by the defense so that families could carry out a cross-DNA test between the parents and identify the true paternity and maternity of the children.

“An action that continues under judicial secrecy, seeking compensation for the material and moral damages suffered by the families, among the requests, an injunction was requested.
authorization for families to carry out cross-matched DNA tests to identify the real parents, in addition to requesting psychological support
for parents and also for minors. What we are looking for in the current situation is to alleviate the emotional shock, valuing above all the well-being of children and families, through justice”, the families’ defense team said in a press release.

The hospital also stated that it cooperates with the investigations, sending all the necessary documents to develop the case. Furthermore, the unit highlights the sensitivity of what happened and says it treats the episode with “due importance”, investigating the error.

The Goiás Civil Police stated that they are investigating the possible crime for clarification and that those involved have already been interviewed.

This content was originally published in Babies changed in the maternity ward: what is known about the case on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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