Baby born to woman kept alive on life support after brain death in MT

The baby was born to young Joyce Sousa Araújo, 21 years old, who was hospitalized in December last year and diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, which later led to brain death, in Santa Casa de Rondonópolis (MT), 218 kilometers from Cuiabá.

The birth information, which took place last Friday (24), was confirmed by Joyce’s family. The baby was born weighing 900 grams and had to be removed from the young woman’s belly before the age of 7 months, which is considered extremely premature.

The young woman was around the 26th week of pregnancy and remained under the care of a multidisciplinary team made up of intensive care physicians and obstetricians, who worked to guarantee the necessary conditions for the development of the fetus.

Bela Borges, Joyce’s sister-in-law, added that doctors were maintaining Joyce’s heart and breathing artificially using machines to preserve the baby’s life. According to her, the family decided to make the case public due to their serious financial situation.

According to Santa Casa, Joyce was admitted to the hospital on December 20, 2024 and was diagnosed with a ruptured brain aneurysm. The medical team carried out all the necessary procedures, but the patient became brain dead.

João Matheus Silva, Joyce’s husband, reported that they are from Tocantins and moved to Mato Grosso in search of better job opportunities.

The young woman’s family managed to raise financial resources to transport Joyce’s body to her homeland, but it will still be necessary to cover the costs of transporting the child.

“She is going to die because her brain died”, lamented João Matheus, describing Joyce as a happy girl. In addition to the baby, the young woman leaves two daughters, one aged 7 and the other aged 3. The young woman’s sister-in-law thanked all the messages sent to the family, in addition to the help. The woman informed that Joice will be veiled, but there are no further details yet.

*Under supervision

This content was originally published in Baby born to woman kept alive on life support after brain death in MT on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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