The Government of Bahia, through the Bahia Without Fire Program, sent a group of 35 military firefighters and two Air Tractor model aircraft to the municipality of Porto Seguro on Monday (20), with the aim of joining efforts and expanding support in combating forest fires that affect the Monte Pascoal National and Historical Park.
The initiative involves the mobilization of the Secretariat for the Environment (Sema), the Military Fire Department (CBMBA) and the Institute for the Environment and Water Resources (Inema).
The arrival of firefighters aims to join forces with combatants from volunteer brigades, agents from the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and the National Center for the Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires (Prevfogo), following a request from the Superintendency of Policies for Forest Fires. Indigenous Peoples, linked to the Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality and Traditional Peoples and Communities (Sepromi).
See also: MS records 1,072 fires in the first half of the month
On Sunday (19), superintendent Patrícia Pataxó contacted the Fire Department commander, Adson Marchesini, requesting support to fight the fire. After joint action with Sema, firefighters began to intervene at the scene.
Located in the extreme south of Bahia, the Monte Pascoal National and Historical Park is the only one in the country to have this classification because it covers the first portion of land in Brazil seen by Portuguese colonizers, in addition to housing a great diversity of animals and plants.
Also involved in the fight are the National Center for the Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires (Prevfogo), the National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai) and the Superintendency of Indigenous Affairs of Porto Seguro.
“Bahia Without Fire” Program
Created in 2010, the Bahia Sem Fogo program works to prevent and combat forest fires in Bahia. Coordinated by Sema, in collaboration with several government entities, it aims to protect areas of Conservation Units (UCs), providing infrastructure, logistics and training for combat teams.
Source: CNN Brasil

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