On train fishing of the Big Brother We have already expressed ourselves: in our opinion, having allowed to bring six competitors back to the game or legitimately eliminated by the public or retired by their own sponte was a double lack of respect for the voting public and, above all, of all those competitors who have been stationed in the house since last September, without ever having had the opportunity to go out, to reconnect with the world and embrace their loved ones. The conservation of isolation, on the other hand, has always been one of the key points of the mechanism of Big Brother, And allowing certain competitors to return after having contacts with the outside world seems to us to be a violation of the same essence of the program. In light of these perplexities, the conductor Alfonso Signorini He chose to clarify the episode aired on Canale 5 on January 23, returning one last time on the subject.
“We need to extend the program, Which will last a little more episodes, “admitted the conductor sincerely. «We had the need to renew their life in the house with new stories and dynamics. In fact, in the next episodes new competitors will also enter, “he continued adding that the decision was made by the public and not by the authors of the Big Brother. “We needed people who knew how to create dynamics, rooted people. The public decided and not the Big Brother. We asked them if they wanted to give a second chance to the former competitors. The same audience that decided and eliminated Helena is the one who voted to give it a second chance. Each of you will have a second possibility ». Leaving out the absurdity of this justification – If the competitors were evidently eliminated did not create dynamics worthy of being remembered, or not? -, Signorini went – rightly – meeting the criticisms of surviving tenants.

Stefania Orlando, for example, thinks it’s not right: “They have drawn information from the outside”. Signorini, however, replied by launching an arrow a Lorenzo Spolveratowho would have used the cell phone in the house by violating the regulation: «I understand that even someone who is inside has drawn from external information, we will talk about it. I don’t say we’re offended, but we were bad for it » – absurd that no disciplinary provision has been taken towards iti, but by now we understand that to this Big Brother You can touch anyone who except Lorenzo Spolverato, who will always enjoy a favor. To appease the still fumantine spirits, The conductor revealed that also for veterans of the Big Brother a second chance to return to the game is foreseen if anything should be eliminated. It is a bonus of which only four competitors decided by a flash televoting will be able to enjoy: «The four most voted will earn a second life, that is, the possibility of returning to the game. This advantage will cease to the semifinal of the game. From tonight until the final there are no more preferred, neither in the house nor from the commentators in the studio. The phase of everyone against everyone will begin ». To us, frankly, this pangooregolamento seems embarrassing, At most because it makes fun of the only real contact person that any program should keep on the palm of hand: the public.
Source: Vanity Fair

I’m Susan Karen, a professional writer and editor at World Stock Market. I specialize in Entertainment news, writing stories that keep readers informed on all the latest developments in the industry. With over five years of experience in creating engaging content and copywriting for various media outlets, I have grown to become an invaluable asset to any team.