Bike launched by the Murazzi in Turin: Victor Ulinici, the defendant of age, sentenced to 16 years. The same condemnation of the girl who had not reported

Sixteen years in prison also for Victor Ulinicithe defendant of age, in the case of the bike launched by the Murazzi in Turin. The student Mauro Glorioso hit by the 23 -kilo electric bicycle in January 2023 was injured in a very serious way. The twenty year old Sara Cherici had been sentenced to the same sentence a few weeks ago for competition in attempted murder. She did not launch the vehicle, but did not stop Victor Ulinici and other minor boys who were with her and did it and did not report them later.

The minors were sentenced with abbreviated rite to penalties between six and eight months and nine years and six months. Ulinics, of age and accused of launching the bicycle, had been sentenced with abbreviated rite to 10 years and 8 months. The trial was redone for the appeal in the Cassation of the Prosecutor who believed the penalty too slight. Accepting the request of the prosecutor Livia Locci, the Turin Gup, Paola Odilia Meroni, sentenced the boy to 16 years of imprisonment for attempted murder.

The postponement judgment had opened last week. The accused, according to the judges, “had the role of leader of the criminal group”. For its part “there was a tangible awareness of what happened and the enormousness of the damage caused”. For this reason, in the ruling of Appeal bis, which accepted the accusation request, no generic mitigating extenuating circumstances have been applied.

“In a story that has had such dramatic consequences it is difficult to rejoice” The civil lawyer said, Simona Grabbi, lawyer of Mauro Glorioso’s family, a tetraplegic one after being hit by the bicycle. “You cannot rejoice for such a high sentence imposed on a boy of this age who, however, reflects the seriousness of the fact and the consequences”.

Source: Vanity Fair

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