THE prostate cancer is the second most common among men in Brazil, behind only non-melanoma skin cancer, according to the Ministry of Health. To raise awareness about the disease and the importance of early diagnosis, the Blue November campaign was created by Instituto Lado Lado pela Vida, in 2011.
Despite the high incidence of the disease – according to Health, it is the second most common type in absolute terms considering both sexes -, there is still prejudice among men regarding digital rectal examination, one of the main ways of detecting the disease early. in the at-risk population.
One of the ways to overcome this obstacle and promote greater knowledge and awareness about the disease is through reading and audiovisual works that talk about the topic. In 2023, for example, a sketch on the Porta dos Fundos channel starring Antônio Fagundes went viral and received millions of views.
In the video, the actor directly and humorously addresses the need for men to break with the prejudice surrounding rectal exams. “When are you going to release that ass?” asks the artist in the production, referring to the importance of the test.
Next, the CNN lists five works that talk about prostate cancer — some in a more informal and humorous way, others in a technical and serious way. Check it out.
1. “Without fear of the finger”, by Mirandolino Batista Mariano and Gilvan Neiva da Fonseca (book)
“Without fear of the finger: Everything a man should know about the prostate ” is a book authored by doctors Mirandolino Batista Mariano, head of the Urology Service at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, and Gilvan Neiva da Fonseca, professor at the Federal University of Goiás.
The work informs and educates, through scientific information presented in simple and didactic language, what the prostate is, the PSA test, biopsy and diseases that are related to the prostate, including cancer. The book also seeks to change the culture of men who avoid rectal exams due to prejudice and increase awareness about men’s health care.

- Title : “No fear of the finger: Everything a man should know about the prostate”
- Authors : Mirandolino Batista Mariano and Gilvan Neiva da Fonseca
- Publisher : Imagine Editorial
- Year : 2014
2. “Beating prostate cancer”, by Fernando Cotait Maluf (book)
With the aim of guiding the Brazilian population about prostate cancer, oncologist Fernando Cotait Maluf edited the book “Beat prostate cancer ” along with other medical professionals.
The work describes the main prostate problems in a question and answer format, with the main focus on cancer. Throughout the book, the disease is covered in its different aspects, from risk factors to diagnosis and treatment.

- Title : “Beating Prostate Cancer: Prevent, Treat, Cure”
- Author : Fernando Cotait Maluf
- Publisher : Dendrix
- Year : 2014
3. “I beat prostate cancer”, by Juliano Statdlober (book)
In this work, Juliano Statdlober brings his experience with prostate cancer as a way of raising awareness and providing support to other patients, their families and acquaintances.
The book brings memories of the author in his fight against cancer and information about the importance of early diagnosis, prevention and treatment, as well as important answers for those who have also been diagnosed with the disease.

- Title : “I beat prostate cancer: from hell to paradise in 72 days”
- Author : Juliano Statdlober
- Year : 2019
- Publisher : Independent
4. “From man to man”, by Michel Korda (book)
In 1994, Michel Korda was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In the book “From man to man “, the author tells the experiences he and his wife went through during treatment and what they learned about the disease.

- Title : “Man to Man: Surviving Prostate Cancer”
- Author : Michael Korda
- Year : 1997
- Publisher : Martins Fontes
5. “The Kominsky Method” (series)
The series “The Kominsky Method ” follows two friends in old age dealing with health, work and family issues. The protagonist, Sandy Kominsky (Michael Douglas), always dreamed of achieving fame in Hollywood, but had only one moment of success. Now, he teaches beginner actors with his own teaching method. His best friend, Normal Newlander (Alan Arkin) is also his agent.
In the Golden Globe-winning production, Sandy fights prostate cancer, but the topic is portrayed in a light and fun way. The series is available on Netflix.
This content was originally published in November Blue: discover 5 works that portray prostate cancer on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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