Brazilian Felippe Almeida Marques, 37 years old, is missing since Wednesday (8) when he maintained contact in Mendoza, Argentina.
Born in São Paulo, Felippe had been on a series of trips across South America since December 18th.
THE CNN Pitágoras Marques, Felippe’s brother, said that his last contact with the family was a video call with girlfriend around 6pm on Wednesday.
During the conversation, he said that he was staying at a host’s home, through a hospitality platform.
He claimed he would leave at 6am the next morning and head to Santa Fe, a journey of about 12 hours. After this conversation, the Brazilian was never seen again.
The host reportedly stated that he last saw Felippe at 8pm, but the family is suspicious of this version.
Pitágoras reported that he managed to access his brother’s WhatsApp Web in a browser he had left open and realized that Felippe I wasn’t receiving new messages.
The family contacted the Argentine police and the Brazilian consulate, but have not yet received new information about his whereabouts.
THE CNN contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Itamaraty, and is awaiting a response.
This content was originally published in Brazilian tourist disappears during trip in Argentina on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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