Caixa completes payment of the August installment of Auxílio Brasil

Caixa Econômica Federal completes the payment of the August installment of Auxílio Brasil. This Monday (22) beneficiaries with a Social Registration Number (NIS) ending in 0 will receive.

It is the first installment with a minimum amount of R$ 600, which will be in force until December, according to the constitutional amendment enacted in July by the National Congress.

The constitutional amendment also authorized the inclusion of 2.2 million families in Auxílio Brasil. As a result, the total number of beneficiaries served by the program rises to 20.2 million as of this month.

The beneficiary will be able to consult information about the payment dates, the benefit amount and the composition of the installments in two applications: Auxílio Brasil, developed for the social program, and Caixa Tem, used to monitor the bank’s digital savings accounts.

In January, the minimum amount of Auxílio Brasil will return to R$ 400, unless a new proposal to amend the Constitution is approved.

Traditionally, Auxílio Brasil dates follow the Bolsa Família model, which paid on the last ten working days of the month.

However, an ordinance edited in early August anticipated the payment of this month’s installment for the period from 9 to 22.

Payment schedule for Auxílio Brasil of R$ 600

Gas Allowance

The Gas Aid will also be paid this Monday to families enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), with final NIS 0.

With a value of R$ 110 this month, the benefit follows the Auxílio Brasil calendar.

With an expected duration of five years, the program will benefit 5.5 million families by the end of 2026.

The benefit, which was equivalent to 50% of the average price of the 13-kilo bottle in the last six months, is resumed in August with the value of 100% of the average price, which is equivalent to R$ 110.

This increase will be in effect until December, pursuant to a constitutional amendment enacted by Congress.

Paid every two months, Auxílio Gás originally had a budget of R$1.9 billion for this year, but the budget rose to R$2.95 billion after the enactment of the amendment.

Only those who are included in CadÚnico and have at least one family member who receive the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) can be part of the program.

The law that created the program defined that the woman responsible for the family will have preference, as well as women victims of domestic violence.

Basic benefits

Auxílio Brasil has three basic benefits and six supplementary benefits, which can be added if the beneficiary gets a job or has a child who excels in sports, scientific or academic competitions.

Can receive the extra benefits families with income per capita up to R$ 100, considered in extreme poverty, and up to R$ 200, in poverty.

Source: CNN Brasil

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