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California legalizes sale and consumption of cannabis at state fairs

Dale Gieringer became the first person to legally purchase recreational cannabis at a state fair in the United States on Friday (12) in Sacramento, California.

Gieringer, California director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (ONRLM), sipped a strawberry lemonade-flavored drink infused with 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants, as he celebrated the historic moment.

“To your health,” Gieringer said after the first sip. “It’s quite good.”

Sales and consumption of recreational cannabis at the California State Fair will continue through July 28. A state regulator at the fair called the move “the next step in the socialization and normalization of cannabis.”

“[Na Califórnia, a maconha] “It’s been legal since 2016, but there are still a lot of people who are against cannabis,” said David Hafner, a spokesman for the California Department of Cannabis Control. “So this is just the next step in integrating it into society.”

Source: CNN Brasil

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