“Speeding up vaccination is the best economic policy”, has transmitted the third vice president Nadia Calviño to Basque businessmen in Bilbao. Calvià ± o has noted the “slowdown of the economy” in Spain at the start of 2021 after the application of mobility restrictions used to cool the growth of the wave of infections after the Christmas holidays. In an economic scenario plagued with uncertainties, the vice president has called and has opted for “row all together in the same direction”, moving away from the political battle that continues within the government of Pedro Sánchez.
“We have to see how the economy evolves in these remaining weeks of March and, above all, how activity begins to recover as mobility restriction measures are withdrawn and economic activity, “summarized Calvià ± o on the economic prospects for 2021 in Spain. A second year of pandemic that has begun with a rebound in infections and with the emergence of a serious political crisis that affects several autonomous communities and that has also emerged in the image of the Government of Spain.
The vice president has avoided referring to her differences with the leader of Podemos and vice president Pablo Iglesias in his appearance before the representatives of the Basque Business Circle, an association made up of some 70 shareholders and senior executives of companies in the Basque Country. Calvià ± o’s intervention took place in the Iberdrola Tower, also the headquarters of the electricity company and where its president was present Ignacio Sánchez Galán.
Calvià ± o has tried to convey optimism about a vaccination campaign in Spain that has only immunized 4% of the total population and whose evolution is very far from the initial forecasts with which it was intended to immunize 70% in autumn 2021. With the current rate, the most optimistic horizon places that percentage of vaccinated in February 2022. However , the vice president trusts that during the month of April with the arrival of new vaccines the process is accelerated and has an impact on all economic spheres.
The vice president has reviewed the set of financial instruments used by the European Union and by the Government of Spain to prevent the Covid-19 crisis from having a “structural impact” on the economy. In addition, it has highlighted that, according to its latest data, There are 160,000 fewer workers in Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE) that reached more than 950,000 employees during the highest peak in 2020.
Calvià ± o also wanted to send an optimistic message to Basque businessmen by ensuring that the list of projects presented by Euskadi to the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (MRR) is “aligned” with the objectives of the Government of Pedro Sánchez. Basque institutions have presented almost 200 projects with which they claim funding from extraordinary community funds de 5,700 million euros for global investments of almost 14,000 million with public and private financing.

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