The Fourth Industrial Revolution has arrived, and Brazil needs to innovate so as not to be left out.
Throughout human history, innovation and the creation of new technologies have had a direct relationship with the success and development
Throughout human history, innovation and the creation of new technologies have had a direct relationship with the success and development
It will be held, this Tuesday (14), at the 2nd Criminal Court of the Capital of Rio de Janeiro, the
The President of SYRIZA Progressive Alliance, Alexis Tsipras, underlined his concerns and concerns regarding the developments in the course of
The heavy rains that hit the southern region of the state of Bahia in recent days have already left 10
An operation triggered by the Federal Police in Porto Alegre (RS) this Tuesday (14) investigates suspicions of diversion of public
“The participation of the Prime Minister in the meeting of the Permanent Holy Synod (PIC) is indeed” historic “. In
The Federal Police took to the streets this Tuesday (14) to carry out 26 search and seizure warrants in seven
A survey carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Economics of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/Ibre) at the request of CNN
A survey carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Economics of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/Ibre) at the request of CNN
In at least six Brazilian states, a black person is killed in police actions every four hours. This is what
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