“Central Bank Under Attack”: miniseries tells the true story of crime in Spain

Netflix’s new Spanish miniseries, “Central Bank Under Attack” premiered in November 8 . The five-episode production will tell the true story of the robbery of the Barcelona Central Bank in 1981.

The cast includes María Pedraza and Miguel Herrán (from “La Casa de Papel”). Directed by Daniel Calparsoro and written by Patxi Amezcua.

“Barcelona, ​​May 23, 1981: exactly three months after the attempted coup d’état in Congress, 11 hooded men enter the headquarters of the Central Bank of Barcelona,” says the series synopsis.

“What begins as a spectacular robbery soon becomes a real challenge for Spain’s fledgling democracy. The thieves hold more than 200 people hostage and threaten to kill them if the government does not agree to release Colonel Tejero and three others responsible for the coup attempt”, adds the Netflix description.

Watch the trailer for “Central Bank Under Attack”

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This content was originally published in “Banco Central Under Attack”: miniseries tells the real story of crime in Spain on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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