Chaos in Ireland due to the storm Eogwin – over 500,000 households without power from heavy winds

More than 500,000 households in Ireland stayed today, Friday 24/1 without electricity due to the heavy winds of the storm of Eugin, whose speed reached a historic record of 183 kilometers per hour on the west coast of the country. Due to strong winds, a red alarm has been declared for the country’s 5.4 million inhabitants, as well as for northern Ireland residents and a section of Scotland and the authorities recommended the citizens to stay in their homes. Winds of more than 100 kilometers per hour were blowing early this morning in Ireland, and its National Weather Service, Met Eireann, announced that the historic record recorded in 1945 was shot down around 07:00 in Greece, with stripes reached. 183 kilometers per hour near Galway. In the same area, the wind speed record was also dismissed, as winds were recorded 135 kilometers per hour, which corresponds to hurricane winds, the service said. 🍃 our […]
Source: News Beast

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