A 2-year-old child was trapped in a hole approximately five meters deep while playing on a plot of land in Indaiatuba, in the interior of São Paulo. The incident occurred on the evening of last Saturday (20) and the rescue operation lasted about three hours.
According to the São Paulo Public Security Department, the Fire Department used a backhoe to remove the boy from the site, in the Jardim Indaiá neighborhood.
According to the department, the boy, identified as Ravi, fell into a hole in a construction area while playing with other children nearby. The department says the boy did not suffer serious injuries. This is because the diameter of the ditch, approximately 35 centimeters, caused the fall to be cushioned.
The soldier in charge, Celson Pereira, who participated in the rescue, said that the first thing the teams did was try to calm the boy down.
“At times he became more nervous, crying, but we were creating this trust with him,” highlighted Pereira.
Firefighters had to use a backhoe to make an opening in the ground next to the pit where the boy was, since the attempt to “lasso” the child was unsuccessful and the difficulty in tying his arms would hinder the rescue.
The Military Police stated that, during the operation, the boy “was kept alive with the help of oxygen inserted through the ditch”. After being rescued, Ravi was taken to local medical care.
The boy’s mother, Geisielle Ferreira, celebrated the outcome of the situation. “They are angels in my life,” she said, referring to the rescue participants.
* Under supervision
Source: CNN Brasil
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