In an interview with CNN This Tuesday (2), the expert in international politics Carlos Poggio said that a possible military attack by China on Taiwan is unlikely because of the Chinese political situation.
According to Poggio, “It is not in China and Xi Jinping’s interest, at a time when the Communist Party celebrates an important anniversary, some kind of broader confrontation.”
After years of careful preparation, the Chinese leader is expected to assume a third term at the helm of the country and its Communist Party in the second half of this year.
“So, because of that, I think it’s unlikely that this rhetoric from China will translate into a military response,” Poggio said.
The US-China conflict comes as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi travels to Taiwan for a visit that began on Tuesday (20). China’s Foreign Ministry had warned of the “severe political impact” of the visit.
“Our delegation’s visit to Taiwan honors the United States’ unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant Democracy,” Pelosi said on Twitter. According to her, the visit does not contradict US policy.
Despite not believing in an answer from the Chinese army, the expert, however, assesses that “it is possible that at some point, some type of action, such as US support for Taiwan, creates friction that can lead to the loss of the control of the situation”.
“But the ‘military response’ doesn’t matter to either side,” says Poggio.
According to him, “this visit is important because of the position she [Pelosi] occupies within American politics”, but Poggio says that it has a “much more symbolic than practical aspect”.
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Source: CNN Brasil

I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.