Chr. Staikouras: Supplementary budget for the additional support of households and businesses

Finance Minister Christos Staikouras announced the submission of a supplementary budget, as the economy is moving satisfactorily, for the additional support of households and businesses.

The minister did not want to specify the amount of the supplementary budget (although the information refers to 2 billion euros). He said, however, that the response of taxpayers to their obligations (income tax, ENFIA, refundable advances – with citizens paying 3 billion euros last week without reducing deposits) and the course of tourism create additional fiscal space for more spending to support households and businesses from autumn.

Speaking to ERT1 and asked if there will be Fuel Pass-3, he replied that “it is still too early. Fuel Pass-2 ends in September and then we will see, depending on the course of fuel prices. In any case, the fiscal space will return to society”.

At the same time, the minister left open the possibility of increasing the heating allowance, saying that “obviously heating oil is one of the elements we take into account, as well as many other measures. But I can’t tell you from now about the autumn”. He added that “at the beginning of September we will see how the economy is moving, how the GDP will develop in the second quarter and the needs of the fourth quarter. In any case, there will be announcements in September. It just so happens that the TIF “.

When asked about the granting of a “punctuality check” or the acceleration of the new increase in the minimum wage, the minister replied “everything in time”. Pointing out that “the ship of the economy has been going well for three years, but in these months we have and will have many Beauforts”. Adding more generally, that “there must also be the fiscal space to implement the commitment to abolish the solidarity levy from 2023 for all employees and pensioners”.

According to Mr. Staikouras, brave European solutions are needed to be exact (with gas prices peaking), declaring “more optimistic than a few months ago about a common European solution”.

Source: Capital

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