Church fires gay worker who married – ‘Marriage is only between a man and a woman’

A church fired a man who had worked for it for nearly 30 years because it was discovered that he was gay and had even married his lover, refusing to hide his relationship. The incident involves St. Francis Catholic Church in Traverse City, Michigan, which fired Fred Szczepanski, director of the church choir, the New York Post wrote. According to the American publication, the church received an anonymous letter stating that the man had been married to his lover since 2020. At that time, they called Szczepanski for an explanation, with him confirming the fact and refusing to divorce. “Marriage is only between a man and a woman. If it is carried out between people of the same sex, it creates risks”, argued the church, at the same time forbidding entry to the dismissed priest for life. The decision, however, displeased the parishioners who held protest marches, threatening not to set foot in this particular church again. In addition, other members and workers of St. Francis submitted resignations which were accepted, as […]
Source: News Beast

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