In Icoaraci, district of Belém (PA), the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) fined, on Tuesday (4), two fishing companies in R $ 683,140.00 . The companies worked without proper documentation and sold fish in the period of the defense, when fishing is prohibited to protect reproduction of the species.
During the inspection, in the operation Caburi II, Agents verified the environmental licenses, fishery invoices and conferred the species that would be in the closed period.
The companies did not have the required documentation, in one of them, it was found that part of the fishing product did not have proof of legal origin, besides having no general registration of fishing activity (RGP). The company had its activities suspended until proper regularization.
In all, they were seized 31 tons of fish of different species and 100 pounds of pink shrimp which is in the period of the defense. The seized fish was donated to the Social Program BRAZIL.
Prohibited fishing period
Pargo, Gurijuba, Pirarucu, Mapará, Pirapitinga, Curimatá, Aracu, Pacu, Jatuarana, Fura Pants, White and Pink Shrimp are fish species that are found during the Defeso period, according to the Institute. “Defeso, during which fishing of a particular species is prohibited in order to protect the reproduction of these animals, is necessary to ensure the reproduction and maintenance of species and, consequently, all fishing activity,” says the organ of protection of fauna and flora.
Still according to Ibama, QA fishing activity without compulsory license and RGP endangers species and fishing itself, bringing losses to the environment and the production chain of fish.
This content was originally published in companies are fined $ 683,000 for selling fish in a prohibited period on the CNN Brazil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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