‘Crazy horse’: animal invades store, knocks over shelves and causes confusion in RS

One horse broke into a building materials store this Monday (4), in Palmeira das Missões (RS). The unexpected visit caused havoc and injured some employees.

The large animal invaded the store located in the center of Palmeira das Missões, in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul. Images from the store’s security cameras recorded the exact moment the horse entered the location.

In the images that begin outside the street, the horse owner tries to contain the animal, which is visibly altered and scared. At the beginning of the scene, which lasts approximately one minute, the horse collides with a stopped car.

Afterwards, images from the store’s security cameras record the entry of the animal, which knocks down shelves and then jumps over the store’s counter, falling on three people. During the images, the horse’s owner – wearing a hat – is seen entering the store, trying to contain the animal. Watch the video .

The owner of the material store called the event an “unusual event”. Despite the scare, the employees involved only suffered minor injuries.

“The kids tried not to make too much movement to see if the horse didn’t get scared and come out normally. But then when he turned around and hit one of the shelves, and knocked over some items in the store, he ended up getting scared and came at the kids”, said one of the store’s partners.

The owner of the building materials store also informed that the damage caused to the establishment had been identified, and the horse’s owner would be responsible for the losses.

“The horse’s owner and his wife spoke to us here and promised to settle the issue and bear the loss,” said the owner.

This content was originally published in ‘Crazy horse’: animal invades store, knocks over shelves and causes confusion in RS on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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