Deputy explains how the project that bans cell phone use in schools will work

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) sanctioned a law that prohibits the use of cell phones in schools across the country.

The measure covers all stages of teaching, both in public and private institutions, and applies during classes, recess and breaks.

The only exception allowed is for school activities approved by the teacher.

Representative Renan Ferreirinha (PSD), rapporteur of the bill, explained in an interview with CNN how the ban will work.

According to him, the initiative arose from successful experiences in some cities and states, such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Positive impacts of prohibition

Ferreirinha highlighted the positive results observed in Rio de Janeiro after implementing the measure:

“We had better pedagogical results. For example, a 53% improvement in student performance in schools with full adherence to the ban on mathematics teaching.”

Furthermore, the deputy mentioned improvements in social interaction and a reduction in bullying incidents.

Enforcement of compliance with the law will be carried out by the schools themselves, in a similar way to other disciplinary rules.

“It’s like any other school indiscipline. In the same way that a student who is talking a lot in the classroom may be called to the teacher’s attention, may receive a warning, may be summoned to the school administration, it is the same thing with the use of a cell phone”, explained Ferreirinha.

Gradual implementation

The Ministry of Education (MEC) established a schedule for the implementation of the law.

In January, the legal process will be completed.

February will be dedicated to engagement between education networks, with the MEC providing a booklet and holding webinars and seminars to share good practices.

In March, there will be a greater movement of engagement with school communities, families and students to promote adequate adaptation.

Ferreirinha highlighted that the objective is not to be against technology, but to promote its conscious and responsible use:

“We are not against technology, but it has to be used consciously and responsibly to help education,” said the deputy.

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This content was originally published in Deputy explains how the project that bans cell phone use in schools will work on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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