Have you ever heard of thermogenics? They have gained popularity among people looking to lose weight or improve physical performance. But do they really have an effect?
Thermogenics stimulate the central nervous system and increase the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, which promote the breakdown of fats and generate heat. This process is known as thermogenesis and occurs naturally in the body, but can be intensified by consuming specific foods or supplements.
“Foods that have a strong and intense flavor are usually thermogens. Among them are pepper, ginseng, ginger, wasabi and cinnamon. We can also include green tea. It is a very cool thermogenic, which can be consumed in the diet as tea and as a supplement. Catechin (epigallocatechin gallate), a substance present in green tea, optimizes metabolism and is related to some longevity pathways”, explains Renato Lobo, nutritionist.
But it’s worth remembering that alone, thermogenics do not promote significant weight loss. The effect of foods and supplements in this category is more effective when they are associated with a balanced diet and physical exercise. Furthermore, each organism responds differently to these substances.
“Generally, it is recommended not to exceed 200 to 400 mg of caffeine per day, and the specific dose should be adjusted according to the person’s tolerance and goals. It is always recommended to consult a nutritionist or doctor before starting use”, details”, Wallace Silvestre, nutritionist.
Thermogenic foods are natural options to stimulate metabolism. Among the best known are:
- red pepper : rich in capsaicin, which increases body temperature
- Green Tea: contains catechins, which help burn fat
- Coffee: source of caffeine, stimulates the central nervous system
- Cinnamon: improves digestion and contributes to caloric expenditure
- Ginger: helps speed up metabolism
- Coconut oil: rich in medium-chain triglycerides, which are quickly metabolized and generate energy
- Cocoa: contains theobromine and caffeine, which stimulate metabolism
Who can use thermogenics?
In general, thermogenic foods are safe for most people. Supplements, which usually contain high doses of caffeine or other stimulants, require more attention. They are recommended for healthy adults who practice physical activities and want to increase calorie burning.
“Those who suffer from arrhythmia or anxiety have to be careful with thermogenics because many contain a lot of caffeine and can make the person more euphoric, more anxious, and some, depending on the substance, can cause tremors. So you have to be careful with this excess, especially caffeine”, adds Lobo.
Other contraindications of thermogenics are:
- People with high blood pressure or heart problems
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women, without medical advice
- Individuals with insomnia, anxiety, or sleep disorders
- Those who have gastrointestinal problems, such as gastritis or reflux
- Patients with liver or kidney disease, depending on the case
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This content was originally published in Does thermogenic lose weight? Understand what it is, what it is for and who can use it on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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