Former President of the United States Donald Trump writes two long messages on the social media founded by his communication company, Truthto warn his supporters of theimminent arrest which should take place on Tuesday 21 March and inviting everyone to protest what is happening.
He does so using only capital letters, addressing himself in the third person and pointing to conspiracies and injustices, but the call to arms (figuratively) recalls the assault on Capital Hill in 2021, after the election of Joe Biden.
Here is the entire content disclosed by Trump on the site: «Our nation is now third world and is dying. The American dream is dead! The anarchists of the radical left stole our presidential election and, with it, the heart of our country. American patriots have been arrested and held captive like animals, while leftist criminals and thugs are left free to roam the streets, killing and burning everything without consequence. Millions of people arrive across our open borders, many from prisons and mental health institutions. Crime and inflation are destroying our very way of life. Now illegal leaks from the corrupt and highly politicized Manhattan District Attorney’s office, which broke new records in violent crime and whose settlement was funded by George Soros, indicate that, although no crimes have been proven, based on old and widely debunked fairy tales (by numerous other prosecutors!), the vastly favored Republican candidate and former president of the United States of America he will be arrested on Tuesday of next week. Protest, take back our country!”
The most accredited hypothesis would concern the investigation for which Donald Trump would have been investigated for paying £130,000 to former porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their past relationship. Meanwhile, just a few hours before the Truth message, the former president reappeared on Facebook after a two-year blockade with a barely ten-second video ad under the caption, always in capital letters «I’m back!»: «Sorry for the wait, matters are complicated, really complicated». All this, smiling from the podium, with a series of American flags behind them.
Speaking with the stars and stripes press, his lawyer Joe Tacopina, stated that, if indicted, Trump will turn himself in to law enforcement without complications.
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Source: Vanity Fair

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