Donald Trump raised more than $50 million in 24 hours after his conviction

Donald Trump's campaign team announced yesterday, Friday 31/5, that it had collected more than $50 million in online donations in the 24 hours following his conviction, underlining that the conviction strengthened support for him “like nothing else before”. . “That's more than two million dollars an hour,” commented the Republican candidate's campaign team. “Minutes after the decision was announced, our online fundraising system was overwhelmed with support, and despite temporary delays due to heavy traffic, President Trump raised $34.8 million through small donations,” said Chris LaCivita and Republican campaign adviser Susie Wiles said in a statement Friday morning. By Friday night, the amount had reached $52.8 million. Moreover, 30% of the donations were made by new donors. That's nearly twice as much as has ever been raised in one day on WinRed, the official GOP donation platform. “THE […]
Source: News Beast

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