Only eight Brazilian cities, out of a total of 5,570 in the country, concentrated around 25% of Brazil’s wealth production in 2019.
The data on the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are part of a survey, released this Friday (17), by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Due to my PIB 2019,
- São Paulo was responsible for 10.3%
- Rio de Janeiro, 4.8%
- Brasília, 3.7%, in the production of goods and services produced
- Belo Horizonte and Curitiba represent 1.3% each
- Manaus, Porto Alegre and Osasco represent 1.1% each.
“The concentration of wealth generation in some cities is mainly due to the historical economic development of each region. São Paulo, for example, benefited first from coffee production and then from industrialization,” said FGV economist Renan Pieri.
“It is natural that there is a spatial concentration of wealth in certain parts of the country, this happens all over the world. This is a problem since some parts of the country do not have as much capacity for development and wealth generation. What we need to do is look for vocations in less developed regions so that they can be encouraged and promoted.”
Although still concentrated in a few municipalities, the country’s economy began to be better distributed over the years, according to the IBGE.
In 2002, for example, only four Brazilian cities concentrated approximately 25% of the national economy. They were São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and Belo Horizonte.
Within the period, the sharpest drops were registered in São Paulo with 2.3% and in Rio de Janeiro, 1.5%. The reduction in the capital of São Paulo is explained by the relative decrease in financial transactions.
Rio, on the other hand, reduced its weight in the country’s industry. On the other hand, the municipalities with the greatest gain in participation in the country’s GDP were Maricá (RJ), Saquarema (RJ), Parauapebas (PA), Brasília (DF) and São José dos Pinhais (PR).
Main economic sectors in the country in 2019
The IBGE points out that 25% of all agricultural production in Brazil, in 2019, came from just 149 municipalities, with 64.4% located in the South and Midwest of the country.
The five municipalities with the highest values were São Desidério (BA), Sorriso (MT), Rio Verde (GO), Diamantino (MT) and Campo Novo do Parecis (MT). Sugarcane and soy were the standout products in the period.
The country’s industrial sector was concentrated in 18 Brazilian cities.
The city of São Paulo, in first place, represented 4.1% of the segment. Next came Rio de Janeiro, with 2.6%, and Manaus, with 2.2%, due to the Free Trade Zone, which grants a differentiated collection of taxes.
In Services, three municipalities accounted for almost 25% of the total of this activity in Brazil in 2019: São Paulo, with 14.9%, Rio de Janeiro, with 5.1%, and Brasília (DF), with 3.5%.
According to IBGE, 41 cities accumulated half of the total participation in the segment in 2019
Reference: CNN Brasil
I am Sophia william, author of World Stock Market. I have a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and I have worked as a reporter for several news websites. I have a passion for writing and informing people about the latest news and events happening in the world. I strive to be accurate and unbiased in my reporting, and I hope to provide readers with valuable information that they can use to make informed decisions.