The actor Ethan Hawke recalled, during the Venice Film Festival, his relationship with the director of “Dead Poets Society” (1989), Peter Weir, and how he was inspired by him at the beginning of his career.
Hawke said he first went to the Venice Film Festival because of the film: “It was my first film festival. I was 18. We showed the film on the street below, and it was an incredible experience.”
“Working with him [Weir] “As a young man, and absorbing what he had to teach and then seeing it play out. It was an act of collective imagination… He was so good at getting a group of artists to have the same imagination and the same dream, and then watching that dream be passed on to others and received. It’s very powerful,” he said, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
“It was kind of like when we heard about the joy of doing drugs. You just want to feel that again. It’s a wonderful feeling because you don’t feel alone,” he added about acting.
According to Hawke, being an actor is like “a double-edged sword.” “On the outside, you’re celebrated for your success, but the real joy of acting is in disappearing… you feel like you’re disappearing and you become part of this dream. And that’s the feeling that’s so wonderful,” he said.
Venice Film Festival 2024: see the Brazilian titles and artists
This content was originally published in Ethan Hawke compares the feeling of acting with the “joy of using drugs” on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.