Federal Court grants habeas corpus to prevent compulsory return of refugees in Guarulhos

The Federal Court granted habeas corpus to three groups of immigrants housed at Guarulhos International Airport, preventing the Federal Police from carrying out the compulsory return of refugees to their countries of origin .

The decision complies with the request of the Federal Public Defender’s Office (DPU), which is asking for immigrants to have access to the legal right to apply for asylum. According to the DPU, this right was threatened by expulsions that could be carried out by police authorities at any time.

The resolution also determines that those benefiting from habeas corpus must remain in the custody of the Federal Police in the airport’s inspection and security area.

“It is reported that the patients are currently in the restricted international departure area of ​​Guarulhos International Airport, at risk of repatriation, despite their intention to remain in Brazilian territory and the alleged risk to their physical integrity and life, as indicated in the reports attached to the initial complaint,” says an excerpt.

In the country, “the refuge mechanism is governed by Law No. 9,474, of 1997. Requests are decided by the National Committee for Refugees (Conare), an agency linked to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.”

This content was originally published in Federal Court grants habeas corpus to prevent compulsory return of refugees in Guarulhos on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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