Fernandinho Beira-Mar is the target of Operation Tourniquet searches in RJ

The drug dealer Fernandinho Beira-Mar is the target of searches in the new phase of Operation Torniquete, in Baixada Fluminense, this Tuesday morning (10).

The Public Ministry and the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro comply 28 search and seizure warrants against vehicle and cargo theft in Rio de Janeiro.

Luiz Fernando da Costa is imprisoned in the Federal Prison of Catanduvas and officers serve a warrant at the scene.

The targets of Operation Tourniquet are members of the Red Command who were also charged with the crime of association for drug trafficking.

Members of the criminal organization are responsible for dozens of cargo thefts on expressways : on Avenida Brasil, Rodovia Washington Luis and Rio-Magé.

The investigation points out that, in addition to managing and disseminating trafficking, criminals are involved with the planned practice of a large part of thefts from cargo vehicles in the municipality of Duque de Caxias. The police estimate losses of R$4 million.

Orders for crimes come from inside prisons by some of the accused, according to the Specialized Action Group to Combat Organized Crime (Gaeco) of the MPRJ.

According to the ministry’s complaint, the cargo theft finances drug trafficking and 50% of the proceeds from robberies go to Comando Vermelho . With territorial control and the supply of structure and weapons, the faction makes robberies in the region possible.

The warrants issued by the Court of the 2nd Criminal Court of Duque de Caxias are being served at the Catanduvas Federal Penitentiary, Moniz Sodré Penitentiary, Jorge Santana Public Prison, Ary Franco Prison, Jonas Lopes de Carvalho Penitentiary, Pedro Mello da Silva Prison, Paulo Public Prison Roberto Rocha, Moniz Sodré Penitentiary and Jonas Lopes de Carvalho Penitentiary. In addition to addresses in Duque de Caxias, they are Gonçalo, Caju and Madureira.

Agents from GAECO/MPRJ, civil police officers from the 60th DP (Campos Elíseos) and the Military Police are taking part in this Tuesday’s action. Torniquete also has the support of Federal Penal Police and the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat.

Operation Turnstile

Today’s action is part of the second phase of “Operation Tourniquet” which seeks to repress robberies, thefts and reception of cargo and vehicles, crimes that finance the activities of criminal factions, their territorial disputes and also guarantee payments to family members of factions, detained or free.

Since the month of September, there have been more than 240 prisoners, in addition to hundreds of vehicles and cargo recovered.

The previous stage of the operation was carried out this Monday (9) in Complexo da Maré. In all, 13 suspects were arrested and three people died with two criminals and a woman shot.

Several gunshots were reported by residents yesterday morning in the community. The action that mobilized several Civil and Military police teams also resulted in 44 schools closed or affected four health clinics closed and the main roads in Rio de Janeiro closed.

Agents also seized two pistols, two grenades, six rifles and electronic devices. In addition, more than 150 kilos of drugs were collected and 68 vehicles recovered.

On December 3rd, another phase of the Tourniquet mobilized 900 police officers in Complexo da Penha. 10 people were arrested and at least five were shot.

The operation involves elite troops from the main public security bodies in Rio de Janeiro: Gaeco of the Public Ministry, the Special Resources Coordination (Core) of the Civil Police and the Special Operations Battalion (Bope) of the Military Police.

This content was originally published in Fernandinho Beira-Mar is the target of Operation Torniquete searches in RJ on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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