Former basketball champion, the American Dwyane Wade He had to face a serious health problem. The former basketball player, today 43 years old, told it during the last episode of his podcast The Why with Dwyane Wadereleased on January 30th. Dwyane Wade told how Some slight symptoms have led to a diagnosis of cancer who changed his life, leading to removal of almost half of its right kidneywith surgery that took place two years ago. The former NBA star, husband of the actress Gabrielle Union, explained that It all started with a simple routine control.
Dwayne Wade’s health story reminds us of the importance of prevention
After neglecting the regular medical checks from its withdrawal from basketball (which took place in 2019), Dwayne Wade has decided to undergo a complete body examdriven by symptoms like gastric disorders and from a weakened urinary flow. This check up was providentialas it led to the discovery of a right kidney cancer. Not being possible to proceed with a biopsy, The doctors opted for surgeryand on 18 December 2023 Wade suffered the removal of 40% of the interested kidney.
Dwayne Wade described this period as The moment of greater vulnerability of his lifeunderlining the importance of the support of family and friends during convalescence. Retracing his story, the former basketball player therefore has reiterated the importance of not neglecting one’s health and to undergo regular medical checks.
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Rene tumor: main symptoms and available care
According to what is read on the portal of Mayo Clinickidney cancer has the cons to be often asymptomatic in the initial stagesbut with the passage of time Signals like blood in the urine can appearpersistent pain alongside, apparently inexplicable weight loss and a sense of fatigue. The causes of kidney cancer are not entirely clearbut risk factors such as smoke, obesity, hypertension and familiarity play a key role. Early diagnosis is fundamental and the main treatment is surgery interventionwith partial or total removal of the kidney. In the most advanced cases, Immunotherapy and Mirat therapies are usedAnd, which block the growth of cancer cells. A document from 2021 published onHealth Observatory let it know that Renal carcinoma represents about 3-4% of all evil neoplasmswith a greater impact in developed countries. Worldwide, is in ninth place for frequency among men And at the fourteenth among women. In Italy, over 13,000 new cases are recorded every year, with a prevalence in men.
Source: Vanity Fair

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