Lifetime in prison was imposed today on Sandrin Pisara, the “Mother-Right” who tormented her 13-year-old daughter and letting her die of hunger. After meeting only for two and a half hours, the three judges and six jurors (five women and one man) of the Court of Appeal unanimously found Pisara and sentenced her to life imprisonment, of which he would have to serve at least 20 years to acquire suspension. Her ex-partner, Jean-Michel Cro, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for depriving 13-year-old Amaadin the medical care that could save her life. Earlier, prosecutor Jean-Marie Benni had asked for the 54-year-old Pisaras to be sentenced to life in life, saying that for this mother of eight children, who was “the tyrant of the house, the dictator, the torture of Amadin”, there could be no other possible penalty. For Jean-Misel Kros, he said he was “the brazen partner of the Pisara system”. 🚨 “oui je reconnais …” Après 4 Ans de Déni, Sandrine […]
Source: News Beast

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