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French ‘patron of the poor’ accused of sexually abusing multiple women, 17 years after his death

Abbes Pierre, an iconic figure for France who died in 2007 after devoting his entire life to defending the most vulnerable, is accused by several women of sexual assaults from the late 1970s to 2005, three organizations said today. continue his work. The co-founder of the Emmaus Movement, the French Catholic priest and World War II resistance fighter, was for years the figure most admired by the French. Abbes Pierre, who fought against the exclusion of the weakest in society, was born in 1912 and his secular name was Henri Grues. Following a testimony that spoke of “abbe Pierre sexually assaulting a woman”, an internal investigation was carried out by an organization specializing in the prevention of violence, Egaé, the organizations Emmaus International, Emmaus France and the Abbe Pierre Foundation explained. “This work allowed us to collect testimonies from seven women who talked about behaviors that could […]
Source: News Beast

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