According to data from the Epidemiological Bulletin on HIV/AIDS from the Ministry of Health, the number of elderly people who tested positive for the virus quadrupled between 2011 and 2021. The geriatrician and president of the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology Marco Túlio Cintra draws attention to the increase in the number
He explains that there are several factors linked to the increase, including the lack of campaigns aimed at this audience. And he adds that the numbers could be even higher, as there is a huge underreporting due to lack of testing.
World AIDS Day is always remembered on December 1st, the main date of the campaign Red December . The last month of the year has been chosen since 2017 for national mobilization, drawing attention to measures for prevention, assistance and protection of the rights of people living with the HIV virus.
This weekend, several capitals are carrying out mobilizations and prevention actions.
In an interview with the program Tarde Nacional da Amazônia, from Brazilian Communication Company (EBC) the geriatrician Marco Túlio Cintra said that it happens that the patient presents symptoms such as severe weight loss, and doctors investigate cancer, without suspecting HIV.
According to the expert, it is essential that health professionals request testing for elderly patients, as early diagnosis is essential for successful treatment.
Check out an excerpt from the interview below.
Brazil Agency – The number of elderly people with HIV has quadrupled in the last ten years. What numbers are we talking about?
Marco Túlio Cintra – The number is greater. There is a progressive increase that the number of tests does not justify. And then there’s a third question that people are surprised by the number of cases because in people’s imagination the sexual life of the elderly has been buried. It is a progressive increase in a worrying age group.
Brazil Agency – Does it have to do with behavioral factors too?
Cintra – In the elderly, there are generally multiple causes. Our professionals do not think about the possibility of the HIV virus in the elderly. Then he is discovered with the disease already manifesting with AIDS symptoms at a more advanced stage. Another important issue that is not commented on: prevention campaigns are not aimed at elderly people. So the information is not coming.
Brazil Agency – Is this virus more worrying for older people?
Cintra – When talking about elderly people, not all of them obviously, but there is a profile of more diseases. There is a change in the immune system. Many take too many medications. It’s an issue that becomes complicated when the HIV virus enters. There may be drug interactions, where one medication interferes with the other, and treatment is more difficult because these people have more health problems.
Brazil Agency – Is there a lot of resistance, especially from the male public, regarding the use of condoms in this age group?
Cintra – Among the elderly, there is less concern about use. Many elderly people do not realize that they are exposing themselves. Campaigns are often aimed at groups and not at risk behavior. Risk behavior can occur in any age group, including the elderly who are sexually active.
This content was originally published in Geriatra draws attention to the increase in HIV cases in the elderly on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
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