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Gilberto Gil talks about longevity to CNN: “Death is part of life”

The singer from Bahia Gilberto Gil 82, spoke to CNN on longevity, finitude and health: “Death is part of life”. The interview, conducted by cardiologist Roberto Kalil will be shown next Saturday (13), at 7:30 pm.

“This generalized fear of the end of life is common to all of us, and I face it, like everyone else, with a certain amount of fear, apprehension and questioning. Always taking into account that death is part of life,” says the artist.

“What will the end be like, this final moment? Will there still be pain, suffering, how can I avoid it? What can I do now so that the time of my death will be a worthy moment of my life and my joy in living? How can I anticipate today, in the best way possible, this moment that will arrive at some point in my life?”

Gil also said that he considers longevity to be a relevant topic in people’s lives today. “Aging is compulsory, but it needs to be dignified, given the ability to satisfy the individual, to offer pleasure, joy in life and opportunities to the person.”

You are moving away from youth and getting closer to this great question that is finitude, the end of life, because one of the principles of Eastern philosophy state that everything that has a beginning, has an end. Longevity is an expectation about the idea of duration”.

Gerontologist Alexandre Kalache, singer Gilberto Gil and cardiologist Roberto Kalil talk on CNN Sinais Vitais

In addition to Gilberto Gil, Alexandre Kalache, a gerontologist and president of the International Center for Longevity in Brazil, also participates in the conversation with Kalil. He presents overviews of the quality of life of the Brazilian population in the face of aging.

The program CNN Vital Signs – Dr. Kalil Interview about longevity will air on Saturday (13), at 7:30 pm, on CNN Brasil.

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*Published by Pedro Jordão, from CNN in Sao Paulo

Source: CNN Brasil

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