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Girls between 10 and 14 years old are the biggest victims of violence against women in AM, according to FVS

The most recent bulletin from the Amazonas Health Surveillance Foundation (FVS-RCP) reveals that, in 2023, 5,806 cases of violence against women were reported. The age groups most affected are 10 to 14 years old, representing 28.4% of cases, followed by women aged 20 to 29, with 19.1%, and 15 to 19 years old, who total 15.5%.

The document details that 32.7% of notifications refer to physical violence and 30.1% to sexual violence. Among the cases of sexual violence, 43.2% are classified as rape of a vulnerable person, that is, girls under 14 years of age; 29.3% are rape and 21.5% are sexual harassment.

Bodily force or beating was the most frequent means of aggression, recorded in 46.1% of cases, and the residence was the place of occurrence in 67.6% of cases.

Among the referrals made, 45.3% of victims were directed to the Health Network, while 16.6% went to the Guardianship Council. In addition, 37.6% of women who sought help reported having suffered violence previously.

The bulletin also highlights that 18.4% of notifications were in pregnant women, of which 59.9% were between 10 and 14 years old, a figure that indicates the occurrence of rape of a vulnerable person, since sexual relations with minors under 14 years of age constitute a crime, regardless of consent.

The survey is part of the actions of Purple August, a month that marks awareness and combat against violence against women, promoted by the campaign “Zero Feminicide – No violence against women should be tolerated”.

“The Purple August campaign is an awareness campaign to end violence against us, women, and the epidemiological bulletin on this type of violence is a way of giving visibility to the issue, disseminating the data reported to health”, highlights the CEO of FVS-RCP, Tatyana Amorim.

Source: CNN Brasil

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