Government of DF ordered to compensate student victim of school bullying

The Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT) upheld the Federal District Government’s conviction to pay compensation to a student victim of bullying in a public school, involving the participation of a teacher.

The court ordered the government to compensate the family of the girl who was bullied in more than R$16,000. The decision was made by the 7th Panel and was unanimous.

“In relation to moral damages, the court considered that the amount of R$ 15 thousand meets the preventive and compensatory functions, being appropriate to the circumstances of the case. As for material damage, the class recognized the student’s right to reimbursement for the costs of transferring to the private school, in the amount of R$ 1,529.76”, stated the decision.

According to the lawsuit, the student was transferred to a new class and, in a WhatsApp group that included students and teachers, was bullied due to her political opinions. From then on, he started receiving threatening messages and having photos published in the group.

According to the student’s report, faced with threats and persecution, she required psychological treatment and was forced to be transferred to a private school in order to complete the school year.

In its defense, the DF government argued that there was no connivance from the school management and that the WhatsApp group was private, with no official character, and did not include the participation of board members.

The DF further alleged that the institution took measures to protect the student, which included the retraction of the professor involved and that the facts did not justify the order to pay compensation.

However, when analyzing the case, the judges concluded that evidence shows that the student was a victim of bullying, with the participation of students and the English teacher.

“The civil responsibility of the State is evident, given the violation of the duty of custody and surveillance of the student who is being bullied, with the active participation of students and teachers, within a public educational establishment in the Federal District”, stated the rapporteur .

This content was originally published in DF Government ordered to compensate student victim of school bullying on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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