The General Director of Morgan Stanley Bank Ted Peak said that time is a friend of digital currencies, and the longer they are trading, the more supporters are.

Ted Pick said that the bank will interact with American regulators, in particular, with the Ministry of Finance, to study the issue of its possible increase in the presence of crypto.

“For us, the question is whether we, as a financial institution with a high level of regulation, can act as a participant in transactions. Time is a friend of cryptocurrencies, and the longer it is trading, the more supporters she has. ”

The peak noted that at the moment, Morgan Stanley cannot store bitcoin in terms of regulation, but if the situation changes, it will be possible to discuss the likelihood of placing the first cryptocurrency on the balance sheet.

Earlier, the General Director of the largest crypto -tank Binance Richard Teng said that the market is expected to be awaiting significant changes associated with the coming to the Congress and the White House of the “Prap -Criminal Politicians”.