Heat wave in SP: City Hall will set up water distribution tents for homeless people

Faced with the heat wave that is hitting several Brazilian cities, including the capital of São Paulo, the city of São Paulo created Operation High Temperatures to assist people in vulnerable situations.

This Tuesday (19), a statement from the administration advises the population to seek out the reception network, to protect themselves from the sun and stay hydrated, and announces the installation of ten tents throughout the municipality.

These spaces will have a water supply and the presence of an ambulance to respond to cases of heat exposure. The locations where the tents will be installed have not been announced.

The reported measures also involve the purchase of more fans for reception units.

The group involves the municipal departments of Social Assistance and Development (SMADS), Health, Human Rights and Citizenship (SMDHC), Government and Climate Change Executive (SECLIMA).

“The referral to the social assistance network’s reception services is made according to the individual’s profile and the type of service, respecting the history of the person or family to be welcomed”, adds the city hall.

Homeless people are referred to reception services through Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS), Specialized Social Assistance Reference Centers (CREAS), Specialized Reference Centers for Homeless Populations (POP Centers) , the Specialized Service in Social Approach (SEAS) and Ampara SP.

Currently, the capital has more than 25 thousand reception places for homeless people, distributed in reception centers, social hotels, adult residences, reunion villages and emergency services of Operation Low Temperatures.

Heat in São Paulo

The last week of winter is being marked by a strong mass of warm air that has spread across a large part of the country, generating an atmospheric blockage that prevents the free passage of cold fronts and other meteorological systems that cause rain.

Temperature records should be recorded between Friday (22) and Sunday (24) in the capital of São Paulo, according to information from the Emergency Management Center (CGE) of the city of São Paulo.

This Wednesday (20), the morning will have few clouds and thermometers in the range of 18°C, well above the average for September, which is 15.1°C.

Throughout the day, there will be a predominance of sun between few clouds and clear skies, which allows the temperature to rise quickly.

On Thursday (21), atmospheric conditions remain very similar to the previous day, that is, with no rain forecast and a predominance of sun between few clouds.

See the forecast for the next few days:

  • Tuesday: between 20ºC and 30ºC
  • Wednesday: between 17ºC and 30ºC
  • Thursday: between 16ºC and 30ºC
  • Friday: between 17ºC and 33ºC
  • Saturday: between 20ºC and 34ºC
  • Sunday: between 21ºC and 37ºC

According to Meteoblue, the maximum in São Paulo in the next few days will be above 30ºC, reaching 37ºC on Sunday (24). So far, there is no rain forecast for the week.

VIDEO — Capitals record record heat of the year in winter

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Source: CNN Brasil

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