Horoscope and money: sign by sign, here is who spends and who saves

It is said that Venus – the green planet – is the star of money (the Americans who call the dollar “green” know a lot about it). But, Venus or not, each sign has a particular relationship with the piggy bank, which depends precisely on their way of perceiving and encountering wealth.

AND, on the occasion of World Savings Day, which is celebrated on 31 October and which turns 100 this year (do you know that it was conceived by an Italian economist, Maffeo Pantaleoni, in 1924?), let’s try to understand how the stars influence our attitude towards saving.

Aries – impulsive and enthusiastic

Aries tend to spend without thinking too much about it, so much so that they often really feel the need for people to help them curb those dangerous bouts of unbridled shopping, or frequent head rushes, which risk putting a strain on current accounts and credit cards. credit. It’s difficult to convince them of the importance of the future, because life is now, and saving certainly doesn’t help you become. They think so.

Taurus – savers, but not necessarily

Practical sign of Venus linked to money and possessions, the second sign of the zodiac seems to be very attentive to their finances. Because he puts economic security first, which is why he enjoys on average a good relationship with accumulating, with building a treasure. But life must above all be lived and enjoyed, so every now and then you allow yourself some luxury, even an expensive one, why not?

Gemini – I would like to…

Gemini are fickle and driven by the energy of the moment, which is why they tend to have a fairly up-and-down relationship even with saving. This is the sign of commerce, he is very good at business and making money, but then he tends to spend more than accumulate. Because the mind always needs something to desire, because living means allowing yourself some escape, a lot of freedom.

Cancer – measured but not limited to

Being a generous sign and sensitive to the needs of those he loves, he will have no problem spending if he does it for those who are important. Because Cancer also gives its attention on a material level. Therefore this sign will tend to be a prudent saver, one who however will not skimp or shirk if and when spending becomes important for someone’s well-being or happiness.

Leo – the beauty of spending

A generous sign (especially with himself), magnanimous and a lover of luxury, Leo cannot help but spend a lot to appear in a certain way and to enjoy life (after all, he is a king). Any form of saving will only be possible if designed for an important objective, such as the purchase of special goods or a property. His standard of living is essential, the ability to always maintain a certain style, a tenor that suits him.

Virgo – you can never be too careful

Virgo is one of the most attentive and scrupulous signs also when it comes to finances. Precisely to prevent possible drops in earnings (you never know), you will tend to save with a certain discipline, meticulously planning your expenses, or aiming for safe, long-term investments. Also because he already knows that, sooner or later, he will have to help someone. If there wasn’t the Virgin…

Libra – ah, vile money

Despite being ruled by Venus, Libra does not have an excellent relationship with money, which is considered vulgar and truly inelegant. For this reason, the sign tends to have an inconsistent relationship with savings, and will prefer to delegate the management of its assets to trusted people. He is easily and willingly tempted by certain expenses aimed at improving his appearance or the environment in which he lives, in which he lives and moves.

Scorpio – buying securities

An intense and strategic sign, Scorpio tends to be an intelligent saver, and is characterized by frequent escapes and nuances towards avarice. He is very attentive to resource management and loves to accumulate money with the aim of achieving power and a certain security. Yet, his difficult relationship with Venus will often make him lose sight of the real weight and proper importance of material goods. It could thus happen that he finds himself short of resources.

Sagittarius – I spend my life

It is known that this sign is a true lover of adventure and freedom, so much so that Sagittarius almost always tends to spend more than he earns, and hardly saves. Because, ultimately, life must be lived, whatever the cost, and it is better to invest in experiences rather than material goods. Impossible to stop him, difficult to explain to him the importance of a little treasure to count on in difficult times: his incurable optimism will make this worry superfluous.

Capricorn – serial accumulator

Famous for his ambition and his love of discipline, Capricorn is one of the zodiac signs most sensitive to the concept of saving. He plans his finances meticulously and works hard to build long-term economic security, which protects him from any dependency, which does not make him misjudge if he is short of resources. Wealth as a material guarantee of a commitment never forgotten. Often it deals with money management.

Aquarius – the ethics of money

Always innovative and very idealistic, Aquarius cannot help but have an unconventional approach even with money and earnings. He is not particularly attached to material goods and prefers to invest in causes or projects that reflect his values, rather than simply accumulating simple resources. It is the ideal customer for all ethical investment formulas, for those products that respect the environment or that finance philanthropic activities.

Pisces – the romantic side of wealth

They are sensitive and intuitive people, sometimes too much so, which is why Pisces often have difficulty managing their money, to which they will not always give sufficient, precise importance. They tend to be generous precisely because money is not at the top of their priorities, which is why they neglect saving, preferring to let the money flow, perhaps by making donations or rather romantic and impulsive expenses.

Source: Vanity Fair

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