Hot Ones Italia: Alessandro Cattelan’s “hot” show on RaiPlay is a discovery

Do you know what the Scoville Scale is? It is a unit of measurement used to evaluate the spiciness of what we eat, and we found out about its existence thanks to Hot Ones Italya successful international format available on YouTube that recently arrived at our home on RaiPlay for the conduct of the only one who would have been able to do it without tears: Alessandro Cattelan. After having set up a sort of spin-off during a memorable guest appearance by Fedez a Cattelan is here tonightAlessandro adapts a very simple format for Italy: a 30-minute interview during which both the interviewee and the interviewer taste ten chicken wings which gradually become spicier and spicier. Between one tasting and another, naturally, the interview develops, which risks taking unexpected turns precisely because not everyone reacts to spiciness in the same way.

Samuele Casabianca

Beyond the Alessandro’s skill not only in keeping the bar straight but also in not rushing to drink a glass of milk while spitting fire, the real strength of Hot Ones Italy is determined by the guest’s choicewho is truly responsible for whether or not the meeting works. If, for example, Giulia De Lellis’ approach was too subdued, another step was given by Giorgio Locatelli, who explained that chocolate is a good remedy to buffer the spiciness from the mouth – excellent to know -, and, above all Benedetta Parodi and Fabio Caressa together and Michela Giraud. Through responses with a high level of spontaneity, aided by the push of the spicy which often leads to writhing in the chair and shooting whipped cream directly into the mouth in an attempt not to succumb, Hot Ones Italy it is a very pleasant discovery that testifies to Cattelan’s commitment to bringing jaunty and out of the ordinary formulas to Italy.

Hot Ones Italia, Alessandro Cattelan's

Allergic as he is to classic promotional interviews – just take a look at the ingenious ideas thought up by the authors before And then there is Cattelan on Sky and then of Cattelan is here tonight on Rai2 -, Alessandro has always found new paths to follow to achieve a goal that many hosts neglect: having fun together with their guest. Instead of laughing at him – any reference to the Qua Qua Dance of John Travolta in Sanremo is purely coincidental -, Cattelan seeks complicity based on mutual respect, on equal terms and, above all, on trust. Whether it’s roller skates or, as in this case, spicy chicken wings, it doesn’t matter: either Hot Ones Italy as in his other programs, Cattelan has always tried to put his own spin on everything he does, and this is why we can’t wait to see him grappling with the After Festival waiting to find out what he and his team will invent to make the formula more fun and lively.

Source: Vanity Fair

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