How did it happen? Dog is rescued after getting stuck in car dashboard

A puppy was rescued by firefighters after being trapped inside the dashboard of a car, in Luziânia, in the interior of Goiás, on Wednesday (22).

The animal was playing inside the vehicle and entered the dashboard through a hole in the underside of the car.

Unable to remove it, the owner decided to take the car to the 5th Military Fire Brigade (BBM).

In a statement, firefighters defined the case as “unusual”.

The rescue was carried out using technique and patience and the puppy was removed from the car without any injuries.

After the rescue, the puppy was handed over to the owner, who was relieved and grateful.

*Under supervision

This content was originally published in How did it happen? Dog is rescued after getting stuck in the car dashboard on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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