How long without training affects gains? Understand how to resume the routine

The World Health Organization (WHO) guides that every adult practice 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity minutes a week. Although the importance of keeping the body in motion is of general knowledge, yet many people end up leaving training aside – either for a while or sometimes forever.

But what causes the withdrawal of exercise? And what are the consequences for the body when we stop training? Understand below.

What makes a person stop exercise?

According to a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology, the absence It is consistently pointed out in other scientific studies as the main factor for the abandonment of exercise. In addition to this reason, other factors lead the population to give up training in gyms in the country, such as the distance between the academy and their home and the lack of motivation.

How long does the body feel the impacts of the break?

According to Anderson Stone, Physical Educator and Personal Trainer of the Gavião Academy Network, the losses begin to emerge between four and 12 weeks of inactivity depending on the objective worked. “Losses can be perceived in respiratory capacity, muscle development, strength work and resistance,” says the professional.

Stop explains that factors such as cardiorespiratory capacity can be lost with four weeks of inactivity; Muscle mass, two to four weeks without exercise. “And this is increasing gradually, until the person is totally deconded and loses for twelve weeks the project acquired, relativizing cellular memory and resistance won.”

How to soften losses

The process of loss of conditioning capacity is equal to all people, explains the stone. However, some factors of the person’s own organism and behavior may mitigate losses.

“Just as we can evaluate the evolution in gains, it is possible to observe and measure the period of discontinuity of activities. What determines the difference in this question is the history of overcrowded people, who have an advantage when they come into sedentary lifestyle, having a light delay in decreasing muscle mass (…) if she had a good training time in the past, she will have an advantage with in view of its coordination and physical recomposition capacity. ”


In addition, age should be considered as the process becomes slower when deciding late the resumption of activities. Food is another primordial factor for the quality of nutrients and vitamins that will be synthesized by the body.

Baby also points to some actions that help to reduce damage. “There is the situation where the individual, due to force majeure, is forced to be inactive. For this, one option is the free exercises, short running, using little space in your home, hotel, squares and other places to activate your strength and conditioning. ”

How to return to training safely

The resumption of physical activities after a time stopped should be done with professional follow -up, through a readaptation plan that respects the boundaries of the body, guides the stem. The ideal is to start with light loads and reduced volumes, avoiding frustrations and promoting a gradual evolution.

José Adeirton, physical educator and personal trainer of the same network of gyms, stresses that the most important at this time is to respect the needs of the body. “It takes a while until it is again adapted to training. Do not be in a hurry, rest and feed well; Soon you will notice the results coming back, ”he comments.

According to personal, on average two weeks, muscle memory is activated and it is possible to train normally.

Finally, it is essential to consider individual factors, such as the use of medicines or medical conditions that may limit movements. Only a trained professional can plan a personalized and safe routine, ensuring the quality of service and the desired results.

Home Office Exercises: How to move and avoid pain

Was this content originally published in how long without training affects earnings? Understand how to resume the routine on the CNN Brazil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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