“If you don’t look closely at corporate life, you won’t always go on the chosen path”, says CMO of Olist

Sandra Montes, CMO at Olist, spoke about authenticity and self-acceptance – especially in the workplace. “I have reached a point where I no longer need to look or be something that I am not,” he declared. But this whole process started much earlier.

During the chat with Mariana Cantarelli, presenter of the videocast Fora do Briefing CNN, the executive shared a little about her career. She joined Electrolux as a Trainee in 1998 and held several positions within the company until becoming CMO for Latin America, in May 2013. But, in 2017, she was dismissed. “There is grief, but it passes”, he remembers.

After almost 20 years at the same company, the executive reports that she found herself lost, trying to find out who she was outside of her position: “There was no Sandra Montes, there was Sandra from Electrolux”.

After much study and analysis, he discovered his personal and professional purpose: “From that moment on, I understood that I would only work in organizations with purposes that I recognized as mine”, he recalls. And so he turned to technology. “It was the only way to impact a larger number of people.”

She currently leads marketing at Olist. “If I work for a chain retailer, sometimes I’m impacting his entire family too,” he explains.

But not everything was rosy. “In addition to self-knowledge, I needed to study performance, growth, everything that wasn’t my reality”, he recalls. The executive also highlighted that showing your flaws and faults creates a healthier work environment. “I will be honored to say, “I know eight things out of these ten, but these two I will have to learn”.

Still on maintaining a balanced professional life, he points out: “If you don’t look closely at corporate life, you won’t always go on the path you chose”.

The full chat can be found here:

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This content was originally published in “If you don’t look closely at corporate life, you won’t always go on the chosen path”, says CMO of Olist on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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