THE second season of “Ilhados com a Sogra” premieres on Netflix on the day January 2 . The launch of the reality show will be divided into two parts, and the final episodes arrive on the 9th .
The program led by Fernanda Souza brings together mothers-in-law, sons/daughters-in-law and children in a dispute for R$500 thousand . Meet the Araújo, Damasceno, Kashiura, Mendonça, Queiroz and Sousa families below.
The first season of “Ilhados com a Sogra” premiered in October 2023 and was a success on Netflix, entering the platform’s Top 10 worldwide in its debut week.
- Araújo Family
The Araújo family is made up of businesswoman Andressa, financial assistant Henrique and Valdiceia, already retired, Andressa’s mother. The couple enjoy an open relationship, something that Valdiceia found strange at first, but which she now says she accepts better. After Henrique moved in with Andressa, the two ended up moving away. When Henrique realized that he wasn’t going to win over his mother-in-law, he also distanced himself, and now they only talk about the basics, without going deeper into the relationship.
- Damascene Family
The Damasceno family is made up of the couple JEU and Mateus, both businessmen, and the photographer Rose, Mateus’ mother. JEU and Rose became close friends while Mateus lived abroad, to the point where they considered each other like mother and daughter. However, after Rose discovered that the couple did not want to have children and that Mateus had chosen to have a vasectomy with the support of his daughter-in-law and in secret from his mother, the relationship between Rose and Jéssica was never the same again.
- Kashiura family
The Kashiura family is made up of the couple Camila and Miguel — she, a medical student, and he, a data analyst — and Celina, administrative assistant and Camila’s mother. After chatting online for more than a year, Camila and Miguel met in person, fell in love, and Miguel went to live with his girlfriend’s family — that’s when the conflicts began. Today, the couple already has their own house, and Celina feels separated from her daughter, which has become the main topic of constant discussions.
- Mendonça Family
The Mendonça family is made up of business couple Isabella and Raphael and real estate agent Patrícia, Raphael’s mother. After the couple moved in with Patrícia while their apartment was undergoing renovation, discussions between the two became constant, involving domestic matters, Isabella’s priorities and the raising of the couple’s daughters. Ultimately, the couple had to leave Patrícia’s house, and this is still a sensitive topic between them.
- Queiroz Family
The Queiroz family is made up of event analyst Larissa, businessman André and Dora, now retired and André’s mother. The couple has four children, the first being born while the two were still just dating. The main reason for the conflict is raising the children, who spend a lot of their time with Dora while their parents work.
- Sousa Family
The Sousa family is made up of model couple Antony and Ana Paula and lawyer and dance teacher Ioná, Antony’s mother. Ioná is very attached to Antony, her only son, despite the fact that they currently live in different cities. In search of independence, the couple still depends on Ioná’s financial support, which makes their relationship even more complicated.
“Ilha da Temptação”: discover reality presented by Flávia and Otaviano
See also: what hits streaming in December
This content was originally published in “Ilhados Com a Sogra”: second season of the reality show gets a premiere date on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.